Monday, March 26, 2012

Oh How Nifty...

My beautiful mother is turning 50! Oh isn't she thrifty. Swifty. Lifty? Whiffty?

*Sigh* What do you say to your mom when she turns the BIG

She doesn't actually seem to be that sensitive about it, actually. But I can't imagine it's an exciting thing. Better OVER the hill than under it, AMIRIGHT?

Anyway, I don't know. Do I go with the sap? Do I go with the humor? I ask this because I started making a card for my mother and I'm not sure what to fill it with. Words of wisdom? From her daughter nearly half her age? Praaaaahhhhbly not. Sentimental sentiments? Encouraging words? Sure, but what? Any ideas out there?

Here is my card so far (keep in mind, its not finished and I'm allowing for it to dry and what not...)

So I found a pretty, bright paper, and pasted it to the cover, made painters tape stencil letters, and then painted over it in gold. Painters tape as stencils, ...eehhhh... not the most efficient. Paint got under them, and then also stuck to the crafting paper more than I anticipated and tore some of the pretty paper underneath. I also may have peeled the stencils too soon. ANYWHO, a way to fix the text will be my next priority, but for now: What to fill the inside with??

What did you tell your loved one on their 50th birthday? I'm thinking "Happy 50th Birthday Beautiful!" :D

Hailing Hallmark,


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Filing Cabinet Reno

I finally got to one of my quick decor renovations that I've been trying to do, which is covering the front of my filing cabinet, thanks to my inspiration from Fabric Paper Glue (see earlier post Decor Reno in the Meantime).

Here is what it took:

It's very easy to do, and pretty much just took some common sense. I measured the drawer fronts and then cut the paper to size, unscrewed the handles, painted the drawer fronts with the modpodge and applied the paper.  To be safe, I applied another two coats of modpodge on to the paper and door, letting it dry in between coats. Then I sprayed the drawers with a spray sealer and put the handles back on, and ta da! 

A cute, and easy update for a file cabinet that is visible in the middle of my living room! And especially nice to be making something pretty while watching The Walking Dead marathon.

Fabulously Filing,


Friday, March 16, 2012

Great Minds Think Differently!

A few posts back in my post titled Abandonment Issues I brought up the fact that a picture is worth 1,000 words. And I reveled in the idea that most everyone can look at an image or photo and have a different take on it. Assume different things about the subject, the emotion, etc. Proves that everyone is unique.

Today I was brought to the website GeekTyrant and there was a great post with Alternative Posters for the classic movie THE SHINING. All these different graphic artists took what they knew or loved about this movie and created their own Film Poster for it. They are all totally different, although most of them pay homage to a lot of the same big moments or objects in the movie, the ax, the twin girls, the garden maze. Check them out:

All play and no work gets DML fired, so back to work I go.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Decor Reno in the Meantime

Last weekend I posted an Ikea Hacker idea to renovate/update a set of drawers that I have. It turns out, that I haven't had a TON of time to get it started, although I can NOT wait to.

But in the MEAN TIME I came across this file cabinet update that will work perfectly for my smaller do-it-yourself-update itch, since my filing cabinet sits right by our desk in our living room.  In the middle of EVERYTHING. This was originally found on Pinterest, but I wanted to find the original creator and the photo brought me to this really great do it yourself blogger Fabric Paper Glue.

My filing cabinet is two drawers, just like this one, but black. She used a GREAT wallpaper that works so well with the brushed silver of her cabinet. Any ideas where to get cheap but fun wallpaper?? Ideas/brainstorming is what I live for, so send me any thoughts you may have in my comments section!

This is basically what mine looks like:

Making filing pretty,


pink tips

i got a new phone app and its totally fun to play with. gotta work with it more

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Because its Thursday

Last time I was visiting home, I found my cat sitting on my bed, sitting like a person. I took a picture, and now months later just came across the picture in my phone. It cracked my shit up.

This got me on a whirl wind of googling images of animals sitting or standing or laying like people.


This last one creeps me out a little bit...


A well deserved contribution from my friend Michelle:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fortune Cookie of the day

"You will discover the truth in time. "

I'm going to take that as my "truth" meaning what I want and where I'm going with my career will become clear to me in Time. Even though "in time" usually insinuates a long duration, it gives me peace at the idea that I WILL discover it. That's all I want.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fresh to death

 I just discovered the best thing E.V.E.R: Ikea Hackers

Being a young adult out of college and at the bottom of the ladder in what I am considering a professional career, about 85% of my furniture has been bought from Ikea. As I mature in age and mentality (RIGHT!?) I am starting to get bored of the Ikea look. Everything is too similar. I need more texture, something more to make it reflect my style. The thought of tossing my furniture out (or selling on craigslist) and practically starting over is laughable, because then I will have nothing or be in debt like woah.

Along comes Ikea Hackers. To save me. The smallest changes can make it all your own. One in particular from a blogger (that I just started following because of this) impressed me the most. I have a 4 drawer chest similar, that I want to update.  She posted it on Ikea Hackers, rightfully so and we thank you, but here is her actual blog: California Callahans. Here is what she did with hers:

I love love love the paintable wall paper adding texture and detail to the drawers.  She just inspired me to do something similar with mine. Here is the before picture:

Stay tuned....

Hopefully hacking,