Sunday, March 18, 2012

Filing Cabinet Reno

I finally got to one of my quick decor renovations that I've been trying to do, which is covering the front of my filing cabinet, thanks to my inspiration from Fabric Paper Glue (see earlier post Decor Reno in the Meantime).

Here is what it took:

It's very easy to do, and pretty much just took some common sense. I measured the drawer fronts and then cut the paper to size, unscrewed the handles, painted the drawer fronts with the modpodge and applied the paper.  To be safe, I applied another two coats of modpodge on to the paper and door, letting it dry in between coats. Then I sprayed the drawers with a spray sealer and put the handles back on, and ta da! 

A cute, and easy update for a file cabinet that is visible in the middle of my living room! And especially nice to be making something pretty while watching The Walking Dead marathon.

Fabulously Filing,


1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a blog! Looking forward to seeing all your projects :)
