Monday, March 26, 2012

Oh How Nifty...

My beautiful mother is turning 50! Oh isn't she thrifty. Swifty. Lifty? Whiffty?

*Sigh* What do you say to your mom when she turns the BIG

She doesn't actually seem to be that sensitive about it, actually. But I can't imagine it's an exciting thing. Better OVER the hill than under it, AMIRIGHT?

Anyway, I don't know. Do I go with the sap? Do I go with the humor? I ask this because I started making a card for my mother and I'm not sure what to fill it with. Words of wisdom? From her daughter nearly half her age? Praaaaahhhhbly not. Sentimental sentiments? Encouraging words? Sure, but what? Any ideas out there?

Here is my card so far (keep in mind, its not finished and I'm allowing for it to dry and what not...)

So I found a pretty, bright paper, and pasted it to the cover, made painters tape stencil letters, and then painted over it in gold. Painters tape as stencils, ...eehhhh... not the most efficient. Paint got under them, and then also stuck to the crafting paper more than I anticipated and tore some of the pretty paper underneath. I also may have peeled the stencils too soon. ANYWHO, a way to fix the text will be my next priority, but for now: What to fill the inside with??

What did you tell your loved one on their 50th birthday? I'm thinking "Happy 50th Birthday Beautiful!" :D

Hailing Hallmark,


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